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Cambridge Law is a dynamic and fast growing Australian law firm


When defamatory comments are made it can have a major impact on the conduct of your business or you personally depending on whether the defamatory comments were made against your organisation or against you as an individual. Either way, Cambridge Law understands the significant impact defamation can have and have the experience needed to provide you with clear and comprehensive advice about where you stand.

The first question that must be answered is does the comment(s) amount to defamation?  Defamation, explained in its simplest form, occurs when your character or business reputation is called into question by the publication of a statement in the public domain. The public domain can include the workplace, in the media, on the internet and a variety of public places.

The next question to be asked is whether or not you have a case. To answer this question there must be an informed assessment made of the nature and extent of the publication of the defamatory comments. In defamation cases, there is only a limited time to act so to determine this question you must seek advice quickly.

If you think the above applies to you, contact Cambridge Law so we can assess your options and advice you on your prospects of successfully commencing proceedings.